
In  Photo One i have learned many new things about photography. The quality of my work has been important. The main focus is to make sure every assignment is to its full potential, and that involves having the image focused and stand out, as well as abide by the project rules. Taking these assignments into your own hands helps your ideas transform. The quality of the subject have to meet the assignment, and i believe i captured that the best i could. Having the assignment fulfilled, and taking ideas further allowed me to create an image that captured the qualities of each assignment. Completing work on time is always an encouraged thing, and i have continued to do so. 
In the effort of each project i did not lack. I made sure to take plenty of photos, and have there designated location in focus. I put in many ideas, and made sure to explore them all. I usually tend to avoid challenging photos because i don't know the outcome. I always made sure to shoot the amount required, and occasionally more. When a shot is hard to get, I always am more driven to capture it. I tried to be creative with ideas and material, and believe i captured that at most of all. I always made sure to give other students positive feedback since it was their own ideas. I tend to criticize my work the most, but only because i want it to be the best as possible.
In class i was always on time. I would say there is a lot of down time during this class and it allows your mind to wander, but i achieved good ideas and creative work from it. I always plan to work independently but if other classmates wanted to collaborate, i could never turn that down. I for the most part stayed on task, but getting distracted is always easy. 
As a photographer i am simplistic. I can improve technically by knowing ways to edit. I can always improve the composition of photos, and well as making them more compelling and stand out. I believe i am confident in the photos but should be more confident while taking them. Stronger concepts are always needed especially when it comes to a new photographer learning the ropes. 
I  will be graduated after this semester, so THANK YOU for being the best teacher i have ever had, and i will never leave behind the things you have taught me, as well as the terribly amazing videos you would make us watch and laugh about. 

Is there something that you've wanted to do with your photography that we are not yet addressing?  Suggest an assignment and I will choose from your ideas and incorporate one of them into a project. 
Something i believe we missed out on to help future classes is to get out of the way all of the terrible photography concepts, aka blue eyes and a picture of their dog. 


  1. Hi Megan! I don't know if this will find you, but it looks like you bailed out of LRHS at just the right time(!) This virus situation is impossible and although it's been a grind for the teachers, I really feel bad for the students who are expected to keep up with their assignments under conditions that are different (and not necessarily conducive to school work) for every student. Anyway, I hope you are well--I expect that this has had an big impact on your job too. Hang in there and take care, GK


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