Lost in the world like me

Please answer the following question about the video "Lost In The World Like Me"

What is the general premise of the video? That society has become attached to our devices like our phones, and don't focus on what is going on around us. And it conveys a message that our phones take away from life outside the internet. 

Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message? Yes, because in a sense I felt guilt because i am similarly attached to my phone, and i could be missing out on important things. 

Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why? I felt that it was more of an examination of our current social situation because it conveyed situations that are already occurring in society today. I think it could also be a warning to live life outside your phone since society has become very attached to them. 


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